Tracy A. Junco

4th Grade Teacher


Courses Taught

4th Grade Math, Science, and Alabama History

Lesson Plans

Lessons, homework assignments, and objectives are posted daily in our classroom.  On days that we have homework or study guides, we copy down the information and pack necessary items in backpacks as a class.   Study guides need to be signed and returned the day of the test for bonus points.  This teaches our students responsibility and organization.  

Students will bring home a folder every other week that will have behavior reports, graded papers and any important information from the school.  Parents will sign the folder and send it back the following day.  Any graded assignments that have a score below 60 will need a parent's signature and return with the folder.  (All other graded papers will stay at home.)

Tracy Junco
4th grade

Orientation 8/6/22 

Junco 8:30 am

Thompson        9:30 am

My name is Tracy Junco.  I am a graduate of the University of Alabama, and obtained my master's from Troy in Montgomery.  This will be my 25th year of teaching.  I love teaching AL history and science since I am able to pull from my own heritage and backyard.  Math is another love I share with my students.  I know what a challenge math can be so helping students learn a variety of methods for learning is enjoyable.  I LOVE teaching and being a part of the Daniel Pratt family.  To continue with my growth as a fourth-grade teacher I have enjoyed the privilege of being trained with AMSTI, STEM, and Project Learning Tree.  Hands-on learning, discovery, problem solving, a variety of projects and interesting assignments, help make each school year fun and memorable. 

Car Pool Procedure Video



  • Play dough
  • Kleenex
  • Disinfectant wipes
  • Outdoor recess toys
  • HP 63 Ink cartridges

Important Links

Our class will use the Relex math program throughout the school year to improve math skills.  Students can use this program at home and at school.  They need to get a "green light" at least 3 times per week (but daily would be best).   We will also use Social Studies Weekly along with our AL History book.  Students will have a Clever Badge for:  Google Classroom, Reflex, and Social Studies Weekly.  Please ensure that they keep their Clever Badge in their binder for ELearning Days.


Lesson Plans


Supply List


School supplies will not be provided this school year.  Ensure that your child brings supplies.   Please label all personal items (including coats and lunchboxes).  



Mrs. Junco’s Class Schedule



7:45-8:05    Breakfast/Homeroom/Character Ed.

8:05-8:35    RISE Academy/Intervention

8:35-9:00    Math (Whole Group)

9:00-9:35    Math (Small Group)

9:35-10:05  Science

10:05-10:10  Bathroom/PE Transition

10:10-10:50  PE/Planning

10:50-10:55 Bathroom/PE Transition

10:55-11:25  Social Studies

11:25-11:30  Class Swap

11:30-11:56  RISE Academy/Intervention

11:56-12:19  Lunch

12:19-12:35  Bathroom

12:35-1:00   Math (Whole Group)

1:00-1:35     Math (Small Group)

1:35-2:08    Science

2:08-2:40    Social Studies

                2:40-2:50   Snack

       2:50         Dismissal

****Music is every other Wednesday 8:35-9:20.

  • Technology/Typing/Coding Monday 9:15-10:00


Discipline Plan

Junco and Thompson

2024/2025 Discipline

The purpose of a discipline plan is to establish and maintain a classroom environment conducive to learning for all students.  We believe all students have a right to an education in an environment that makes them feel safe; is free from distractions and bullying.  We make sure each student is aware of consequences from inappropriate behavior.  If a student chooses to break rules or not follow procedures, we will address that student using the sequence of actions below.  Some steps may be skipped depending on the severity of the offense.


Order of Consequences:

  1. Nonverbal cue/verbal warning
  2. 2nd Warning
  3. Student conference with silent snack
  4. Silent lunch with parent contact
  5. Parent conference request (with administration)
  6. Office referral


Daily Behavior Card Chart:

Students will start on green with each teacher, each day.  This gives them a chance to self-correct their behavior throughout the day.  Students will remain on green for consequences #1 and #2.  They will move their card to yellow for consequence #3 and #4.  Their card will go to orange for consequence #5.  When a student’s card goes to red, they are on consequence #6.  If a card is flipped to orange or red, behavior will be documented on a referral form.  Once the student has four behaviors on the referral form, it will be turned into administration.  Cards are moved to green the following day.  Consequences #4, #5, and #6 will be documented in their graded papers folder for their parents to sign.  Teachers will also keep a record of conduct in their grade book.  

From the Mrs. Junco...

I believe that parent teacher contact is vital.  If you need to reach me during school hours, you can call the school at 334-361-6400 or email me at Please keep in mind that messages left in the front office are placed in our teacher boxes to be checked during our planning time (PE) or the end of the day.  It may be the following day before these calls are returned.  Messages left on my email will be checked daily and an email sent back at my earliest convenience.  Conferences will be scheduled promptly, and these will be during my planning period. Mrs. Thompson and I can also receive messages from you on Parent Square.