School Nurses

Danielle Ulmer

334-361-6400, opt 1


Kim Sheridan

334-361-6400, opt 1

not pictured

Per ACBOE Board Policy

Student Health Services, 5.41

Administration of Medication

Students may need to take medication while at school. The school health services personnel recommend that, whenever possible, medication be administered before and/or after school hours under the direct supervision of a student’s parent/guardian. If school attendance is dependent on taking a prescribed medication, the first dose of medication should be given at home where any reaction may be observed by the parent or guardian and reported to the student’s physician. For medication to be administered to a student at school the following procedures must be followed.

1. The student’s parent/guardian must complete the School Medication Prescriber/Parent Authorization Form, which is available in the school office and the Code of Conduct book. The parent, doctor, physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner must sign the form. This form allows the student’s physician to give the school directions on the administration of the required medication and any side effects that may occur from the medication. The student’s parent or legal guardian is required to update the School Medication Prescriber/Parent Authorization Form any time the student has a change in medication and/or dosage. The completed School Medication Prescriber/Parent Authorization Form will be kept confidential.

2. Prescription medication must be in the original container with a pharmacy label and the student’s name, physician’s name, date of prescription, name of medication and dosage. Non-prescription medication must be in the original container with the student’s name.

3. Students will be permitted to possess and self-administer prescribed asthma inhaler medication. This medication must meet the above requirements.

4. A student’s parent/guardian must deliver the medication to the school principal or his designee and retrieve the medication from the school principal or designee. A student should never have more than a month supply of medication at the school. Medications not picked up within 14 days after the stop date or medication left at school at the end of the school year will be discarded by the school health services personnel.

Alabama Medication Form Consent Form

When to keep your child at home