Jessica Sims

5th Grade Math, Science, & Social Studies



Week of: March 10th-14th, 2025


Monday:Skill: Calculating Volume

Tuesday: Skill: Calculating Volume; homework

Wednesday: Skill: Volume Review

Thursday: Volume Test

Friday: Skill: Converting Customary Measurement

Helpful Links:

Multiplication and Division Facts game

soc st.

Monday: Week 16 Newspaper discussion

Tuesday: Southeast, Northeast, Midwest states labeling quiz


Thursday: Week 16 Newspaper discussion; quiz


Links to Study:

Midwest States Location

Southeast and Northeast states labeling practice

All 50 States Location




Wednesday: Ch. 5, L. 1 discussion


Friday: Ch. 5, L. 2 discussion

Links to Study:

Ch. 5 Review (questions)

Ch. 5 Review (game version)

Mrs. Sim's Wish List

*White Copy Paper

*Color Copy Paper

*Cardstock (any color)

*Black Expo markers

*Clorox wipes


*Paper Towels

*Building Materials for STEM projects (any type magnet blocks, legos, bristle shape 3D blocks - some are linked in my Classroom Amazon Wish List that is linked at the end of this list)

*Gift Cards (Amazon, Target, Walmart) *This really helps to provide materials for science projects*

*Money Donation to my DPES class account (send in cash or check-made out to DPES indicating that it is for class account)

*card games (Old Maid, Uno, Phase 10)

Behavior Management


What happens if the rules are broken?

Whether it be a school rule or a class rule, the following consequences my be issued. This plan will be followed by Mrs. McKay and Mrs. Sims.

Class Dojo points can be earned for the following reasons:

R.I.S.E. - Being respectful to others, showing integrity, exhibiting self-control, giving 100% effort in all activities

Class Dojo points can be lost for the following reasons:

not prepared for class, disrespect to teacher or student, talking, teasing/bullying, inappropriate language, hallway infraction, off task (playing, off task disruption), cheating/lying, not following directions, incomplete assignments (homework or classwork), inappropriate restroom behavior, property damage

Class Schedule

7:45-8:10 Homeroom/Character Education/Restroom

8:10-9:20 1st Block Math

9:25-10:05 P.E.

10:10-10:25 Snack

10:25-10:45 1st Block Math

10:45-11:35 1st Block Science/Social Studies

11:40-11:50 Transition to 2nd Block

11:45-12:18 2nd Block Math

**lunch 12:20-12:43**

**brain break 12:45-12:55

12:55-2:00 2nd Block Math

2:00-2:50 2nd Block Science/Social Studies

2:50-3:10 Dismissal

Music - every other week -

Tuesday 12:50-1:35


The University of Alabama

May 2012

Bachelor's of Science Degree in Elementary Education

The University of West Alabama

October 2024

Master's of Science Degree in Elementary Education


*Pleasant Grove Elementary:

5th Grade Math - August 2012-May 2014

5th Grade Math & Social Studies - August 2014-May 2015

*Daniel Pratt Elementary:

5th Grade Math, Science, & Social Studies - August 2015-present

Personal Bio

My husband, Tyler, and I have 2 girls. Kathryn is 8 and in 2nd grade. Rebecca is 5 and in kindergarten. I love spending time with my family and friends. We enjoy going to the river and the beach. My favorites include Chick-Fil-A, tacos (especially Moe's), Dr. Pepper, Reese's, and Target.